At JonesTrading we believe there is a relationship between liquidity and portfolio performance. Our sole focus is to access and create liquidity, so our clients’ investment goals are met. Our network of over 100 registered representatives nationwide have broad and deep relationships with over 1,500 institutions and hedge funds. Each day, these traders are working on behalf of clients to understand their trading strategies, to source liquidity that is pent up on the other side, release that liquidity, and execute block trades that might not have otherwise occurred. And we are able, through our knowledge of our clients and their styles and strategies, to provide market color on a real-time basis.
Institutions have trusted their trading to JonesTrading for over 40 years.
We are able to secure advantageous prices, across the greatest number of issues, in a timely way, without revealing client intent. We remain neutral and clients remain anonymous, minimizing market impact and opportunity costs.
JonesTrading has proven that its approach to equities is valued by North America’s largest institutions. The firm also uses its unique approach to liquidity creation and trading in related securities, e.g.: derivatives.
Capital market secondary financing has historically been a principal based, expensive proposition for corporations, private equity, and venture capital firms. JonesTrading has expanded its approach to liquidity creation to the capital markets. Our access to institutional liquidity is bringing a price-efficient and cost-effective new approach to these historically underserved clients.
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32133 Lindero Canyon Road
Suite 208Westlake Village, CA 91361
United States
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